Tagged: Multisite

502 Bad Gateway on NGINX with BuddyPress

I recently switched over from Apache to NGINX for my WordPress hosting, and it was surprisingly easier than I expected. Alongside the W3 Total Cache plugin to handle my minification and object/db caching my...

Activate WP SlimStat Dashboard Widgets in WordPress Multisite

If you have WordPress Multisite installed and the WP SlimStat plugin activated network wide, the optional WP SlimStat Dashboard widgets won’t be available to you. The problem is that the dashboard widgets file is...

WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL for WordPress Multisite Development & Migration

I needed to be able to copy the wp_options table(s) to my development environment as they contain configurations that are needed. To overcome the issue of not being able to set the WP_SITEURL and...