Author: Justin Silver

Install Jenkins on CentOS as a Service

Updated post: Yum Install Jenkins as a Service on CentOS 7. You probably want to do it this way, it’s much easier. Just saying. This guide describes how to install Jenkins on your CentOS...

Google Apps + Trac Integration Using email2trac

I have been using Trac for viewing my Subversion source repository and some ticketing, however I wanted to be able to integrate email directly to the ticketing system. The second part of my setup...

Creating AJAX Functions in WordPress

AJAX Action Hooks Adding an AJAX callback to WordPress 2.8+ is pretty simple – you just need to hook in the wp_ajax_(action) action for admin callbacks, and the wp_ajax_nopriv_(action) action for front-end callbacks. One...

Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Desert, Chile was last modified August 14th, 2015 by Justin Silver

502 Bad Gateway on NGINX with BuddyPress

I recently switched over from Apache to NGINX for my WordPress hosting, and it was surprisingly easier than I expected. Alongside the W3 Total Cache plugin to handle my minification and object/db caching my...

Google Analytics for WordPress Fixed

“Unfortunately, an error occurred while connecting to Google” Google Analytics for WordPress is a great plugin by Yoast to make adding Analytics tracking to your WordPress site easy. All was well until Google updated...