Author: Justin Silver

Salesforce sObject Id Validation in Apex

Salesforce sObject Id‘s are specially formatted strings used to uniquely identify sObjects. If you want to test the validity of an sObject Id in Apex, you can go the simple route of checking the...

Install WSDL2Apex on OS X El Capitan

The WSDL2Apex generates the Apex classes necessary to implement a SOAP callout from the platform using the WSDL for the service you are trying to implement. In 2014 it was split out of...

Monitor IPSec VPN Tunnel

I have an IPSec Tunnel built from one of my servers to an integration partner which is used to secure our web service calls. It uses a IPSec, OpenSwan, and Pluto to maintain a...

OS X El Capitan / Sierra / High Sierra Hanging on Boot [FIXED]

If your OS X El Capitan/Sierra/High Sierra update won’t reboot you can skip to the fix or check here for the (mostly) automated fix script. Otherwise feel free to read the saga below! Update...

Inserting & Triggering Custom Events In jQuery Functions

I recently had the need to detect when new elements were appended to the DOM, however by default in jQuery there is no “append” event. This meant that the code I wanted to write,...

ACF: Link to Specific Tab

Advanced Custom Fields, or ACF, provides a great user interface for defining and laying out custom fields for Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Options, Users and more in WordPress. The Tab Field provides an...