Category: Technology

Alpine Linux PHP + iconv fix

To use PHP with iconv on Alpine Linux – in a Docker container for example – you need to use the preloadable iconv library, which was previously provided with the gnu-libiconv package, but was...

Autodesk Fusion 360 Using eGPU

Open a Finder window showing the latest version of Fusion 360 in the webdeploy folder. Press ⌘ + i to open the Finder Inspector and check “Prefer External GPU”. The next time you launch...

Using APK for Alpine Linux with Docker

Some quick tips on how to use apk for Alpine Linux in a Docker environment. Some common use cases might be to install command line tools you will use in scripts, or to compile...

OSX Mojave Disappearing Icons Fixed

Icons on my Macbook Pro running OSX Mojave (10.14.6) started disappearing and being replaced with a generic icon in the Dock, Finder, Applications, task switcher, etc… which is pretty annoying as it makes it...

Rust: JSON stringify and parse in Node.js

I’m learning Rust for a project to build native modules for use with Node.js and it took me a bit of time to figure out how to parse and stringify JSON using serde_json and...

Docker-CE on CentOS 7

Install Docker-CE (not just “docker) to get the latest version on CentOS. Update firewalld to allow host/container traffic. Restart firewalld to pick up the changes. Create a group named “docker” and add any users...