104 Search results

For the term "評判のMicrosoft AZ-104日本語認定試験の問題集 🐫 “ www.goshiken.com ”を開いて➤ AZ-104日本語 ⮘を検索し、試験資料を無料でダウンロードしてくださいAZ-104日本語日本語対策問題集".

SVN COPY 502 Bad Gateway Error

…ver you may ask? Well, mainly to redirect requests from http://svn.example.com to https://svn.example.com. Most of the documentation I was able to find on this suggested simply adding a line to the VirtualHost to update the header, like so: RequestHeader edit Destination ^https http early In my case, this just wasn’t working. What did fix it is a bit counter-intuitive – I had to enable the SSLEngine on my HTTP VirtualHost, as well as my HTTPS Virt…

Using APK for Alpine Linux with Docker

…’t need to keep around after you compile the module. This first example is common for installing command line tools: RUN apk add –no-cache –update \ bash curl findutils sed sudo The next example shows how to compile PHP modules and remove their dependencies after compilation. RUN set -xe; \ apk add –no-cache –virtual .build-deps $PHPIZE_DEPS \ # build tools autoconf g++ gcc make \ # lib tools bzip2-dev freetype-dev gettext-dev icu-dev imagemag…

LEMP: CentOS 7, NGINX, PHP7, and Redis for WordPress

…# Your document root, you will pass this path to letsencrypt with “-w /var/www/www.example.com/html/” root /var/www/www.example.com/html/; # handle letsencrypt domain validation location ~ /.well-known { allow all; } # permanently redirect everything else location / { return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri; } } server { # All SSL is served on 443. If available include “http2”, otherwise remove it. listen 443 ssl http2; # Hostnames to listen o…

Slither & Echidna + Remappings

…an be found. slither . To force a particular compiler, specify it with the command. slither –-compile-force-framework solc ./contracts Echidna Remapping Config For Echidna we can create a YAML config file and pass the solc remappings to crytic-compile via cryticArgs. # provide solc remappings to crytic-compile cryticArgs: [‘–solc-remaps’, ‘@=node_modules/@’] When running echidna-test we can use the –config option to specify the YAML config file…

Provable Randomness with VDF

…ing()); // compute the proof const start = Date.now(); const proof = sloth.computeBeacon(seed, prime, iterations); console.log(‘compute time’, Date.now() – start, ‘ms’, ‘vdf proof’, proof); // this could be a mint function, etc const proofTx = await token.prove(proof); await proofTx.wait(); } main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); Sloth Verifiable Delay This off-chain implementation of Sloth VDF in Typescript will let…

Change Interval in Munin With Existing RRD Data

…sue #1282 update_rate needs documentation, which in turn referenced http://www.elturista.net/2012/01/02/changing-step-time-of-a-rrd-file/ however this file is no longer available. I was able to locate it using the WayBack Machine, and in the interest of preservation I am reposting here with additional updates of my own. rrdtool dump file.rrd > file.5.xml ./rrd_step_reduce.py file.5.xml 5 > file1.xml rrdtool restore file1.xml file.rrd #!/usr/bin;/p…