104 Search results

For the term "評判のMicrosoft AZ-104日本語認定試験の問題集 🐫 “ www.goshiken.com ”を開いて➤ AZ-104日本語 ⮘を検索し、試験資料を無料でダウンロードしてくださいAZ-104日本語日本語対策問題集".

Day 34: Valdez, AK (heli)

…had come on the Costco deal, so we got to ride with the newbie. Again, no complaints at a day heliboarding, but it would have been nice to go bigger, although say what you want, Mother Nature doesn’t always have what you want in mind. We still got to hit some pretty long runs, and even though it wasn’t that extreme, who can complain about untracked pitches with tons of fresh snow? We were in Brown’s Canyon again, but we got to hit some of the stu…

ACF validate_value Filter With post_ID

…res being added in version 2.0 if you care to check it out: https://github.com/doublesharp/validated-field-for-acf Michael Im getting error syntax error, unexpected ‘,’ Michael This was on line 7 MY_ACF_FORM_VALUES, Justin Silver Hi Michael – which command are you running when you get that error? It’s important that everything be copied exactly you you may run into syntax errors. Good luck! Justin Silver Sorry, just saw this comment – I double che…

Syscoin Core 3.0 Build Scripts

Build Scripts Use the following commands to compile Syscoin 3.0 on a variety of operating systems. These scripts will prepare your system with the proper build tools and install the necessary libraries and source code to compile binaries on and for your system. OSX Requires Xcode and Homebrew. Invalid URL Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 Xenial Invalid URL Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 Trusty Invalid URL Debian Stretch Invalid URL Fedora 22 Invalid URL CentOS 7 Inval…

Install PHP 7.0 (phpng) on CentOS & RedHat

…rom Source Now we need to clone the PHP-7.0.0 branch of the PHP source and compile it using the built in scripts. git clone -b PHP-7.0.0 https://github.com/php/php-src.git cd php-src ./buildconf –force ./configure \ –prefix=/usr/local/opt/phpng \ –with-config-file-path=/usr/local/etc/phpng \ –enable-bcmath \ –enable-calendar \ –enable-exif \ –enable-ftp \ –enable-gd-native-ttf \ –enable-gd-jis-conv \ –enable-mbstring \ –enable-sysvmsg \…

NFT – Mint Random Token ID

…ondary market. How can you both fairly distribute the tokens – both to the community and the project team? One solution is to hide the metadata until after reveal and mint the token IDs out of order – either using a provable random number, a pseudo random number, as pseudo random number seeded with a provable random beacon, or other options depend on your security needs. For provable random numbers check out Provable Randomness with VDF. How It Wo…

WordPress Plugin: validated-field-for-acf

…/* Plugin Name: Advanced Custom Fields: Validated Field Plugin URI: http://www.doublesharp.com/ Description: Server side validation, input masking and more for Advanced Custom Fields Author: Justin Silver Version: 1.7.7 Author URI: http://doublesharp.com/ */ if ( ! defined( ‘ACF_VF_VERSION’ ) ) define( ‘ACF_VF_VERSION’, ‘1.7.7’ ); if ( !defined(‘ACF_VF_PLUGIN_FILE’) ) define( ‘ACF_VF_PLUGIN_FILE’, __FILE__ ); // Load the add-on field once the plug…