104 Search results

For the term "評判のMicrosoft AZ-104日本語認定試験の問題集 🐫 “ www.goshiken.com ”を開いて➤ AZ-104日本語 ⮘を検索し、試験資料を無料でダウンロードしてくださいAZ-104日本語日本語対策問題集".

Install ClamAV + Maldet on CentOS 7

…l-release wget perl yum install -y clamav cd /usr/local/src curl -s http://www.rfxn.com/downloads/maldetect-current.tar.gz -o maldetect-current.tar.gz tar -xzf maldetect-current.tar.gz cd maldetect-* ./install.sh maldet –update-sigs –update-ver sed -i “s|you@domain.com|${MALDET_EMAIL}|” /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet sed -i ‘s|^scan_clamscan=”0″|scan_clamscan=”1″|’ /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet sed -i ‘s|^email_alert=”0″|email_alert=”1″|’ /…

Alpine Linux PHP + iconv fix

…r/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so ENV LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/preloadable_libiconv.so php If you prefer to install the older package that includes the preloadable binary in a different Alpine Dockerfile you can specify an older repository in a RUN command, like so: FROM wordpress:5.7.1-php7.4-fpm-alpine # … some config RUN apk add –no-cache \ –repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.13/community/ \ –allow-untrusted \ gnu-libiconv ENV LD_PR…

Using WP Better Emails with WooCommerce Email Templates

…ffer contents. We are also setting a filter to return true any time the woocommerce_email_header action is run. Common sense says that we could just unhook all functions from these actions, however in my testing I found that some other, non-UI, logic was being performed in some of the attached functions. This method allows the code to run, but prevents the output from being inserted into the generated email. Apply WP Better Emails Template Next we…

NGINX Reverse Proxy to Legacy Website

…oxy over which protocol? set $protocol http; if ( $server_port = 443 ){ set $protocol https; } # pass everything through the proxy location / { # proxy all requests to the legacy server proxy_pass $protocol://$legacy_ip; # set the Host header on the request proxy_set_header Host “www.example.com“; # replace redirect strings proxy_redirect http://www.example.com/ /; proxy_redirect https://www.example.com/ https://gamma.example.com/; # replace cooki…

Day 20: Alpine Meadows

…through, and some firmer areas than you would like to see, but not much to complain about either. We moved around the whole mountain – Scott Chair to Promised Land, Roundhouse up to Yellow Chair, Sherwood on the backside and over Expert Shortcut (resulting in a near collision between Scott and I, seen above, which is what you get when someone who rides regular comes back to back with someone who rides goofy), but a lot of our time was spent in Bea…

Install logtail on CentOS

…for quick installation. Even if you don’t want to access logtail from the command line, it is still used by several other scripts and plugins, such as the Nginx plugins for Munin. The easiest way to do this is to install logcheck, which includes logtail. You can use rpm to handle the install, but you will need to install some dependencies first. Install Dependencies Use rpm to install the logtail dependencies in the order below – liblockfile, loc…