Deploy Contract With Custom Metadata Hash
When you deploy a Solidity contract the compile has removed the comments from the bytecode, but the last 32 bytes of the bytecode is actually a hash of: hashed bytecode compiler settings contract source...
When you deploy a Solidity contract the compile has removed the comments from the bytecode, but the last 32 bytes of the bytecode is actually a hash of: hashed bytecode compiler settings contract source...
Create an Alpine Linux image to run the lachesis node for the Fantom cryptocurrency. The just starts the nodes with the ports you set in the environment. Use docker-compose to define the TCP/UDP...
danosphere [3:03 PM] joined #dantime. danosphere [3:03 PM] set the channel purpose: Friday AMAs! vileda [3:04 PM] joined #dantime along with jay.c. vileda [3:04 PM] 1st to join, yay. johnp [3:04 PM] joined #dantime....
Realtime Updates from the Syscoin Blockchain You can use the ZMQ topic message queues in Syscoin to receive realtime updates for your application. Using in conjunction with syscoin-core to blockchain-enable your applications in no...
Getting Started You will need to have syscoind or Syscoin Core Qt running on your system and have node/npm installed. If you don’t have Node.js I recommend installing it via nvm. Syscoin Configuration First...
Oh no! If you set up your Syscoin masternode with a hot wallet (by importing a private key for your collateral transaction) then you have put your syscoins at great risk! A flaw in...