Tagged: Docker

NGINX Feature Flag Reverse Proxy

Use NGINX as a reverse proxy to different back-end servers based on feature-flags set in the ngx_http_auth_request_module add-on. In my implementation for Secret Party the subdomain is used to determine which event/party a Note...

Fantom Lachesis Full Node RPC

Create an Alpine Linux image to run the lachesis node for the Fantom cryptocurrency. The run.sh just starts the nodes with the ports you set in the environment. Use docker-compose to define the TCP/UDP...

Using APK for Alpine Linux with Docker

Some quick tips on how to use apk for Alpine Linux in a Docker environment. Some common use cases might be to install command line tools you will use in scripts, or to compile...

Docker-CE on CentOS 7

Install Docker-CE (not just “docker) to get the latest version on CentOS. Update firewalld to allow host/container traffic. Restart firewalld to pick up the changes. Create a group named “docker” and add any users...