Tagged: fantom


UnsafeMath for Solidity 0.8.0+

UPDATE: Check out the @0xdoublesharp/unsafe-math module available on NPM for an easy to use, prepackaged, and tested version of this library! UnsafeMath is a Solidity library used to perform unchecked, or “unsafe”, math operations....

NFT – Mint Random Token ID

The perceived value of many NFTs is based on that item’s rarity making it ideal to mint them fairly. Rarity snipers and bad actors on a team can scoop up rare items from a...

Provable Randomness with VDF

A Verifiable Delay Function (VDF) is a linearly computed function that takes a relatively long time to calculate, however the resulting proof can be verified to be the result of this computation in a...

Fantom Lachesis Full Node RPC

Create an Alpine Linux image to run the lachesis node for the Fantom cryptocurrency. The run.sh just starts the nodes with the ports you set in the environment. Use docker-compose to define the TCP/UDP...