Tagged: OSX

Autodesk Fusion 360 Using eGPU

Open a Finder window showing the latest version of Fusion 360 in the webdeploy folder. Press ⌘ + i to open the Finder Inspector and check “Prefer External GPU”. The next time you launch...

OSX Mojave Disappearing Icons Fixed

Icons on my Macbook Pro running OSX Mojave (10.14.6) started disappearing and being replaced with a generic icon in the Dock, Finder, Applications, task switcher, etc… which is pretty annoying as it makes it...

Syscoin Core 3.0 Build Scripts

Build Scripts Use the following commands to compile Syscoin 3.0 on a variety of operating systems. These scripts will prepare your system with the proper build tools and install the necessary libraries and source...

Moving WordPress’ /wp-content/uploads out of your DocumentRoot

Why might you want to move your /wp-content/uploads folder out of your DocumentRoot? In my case, I use DropBox to sync files between my desktop and my laptop for doing development – no matter...

Disk Util Repair Permissions on Mac OS X Lion RAID 0

So it turns out that if you have a Mac OS X Lion on RAID 0 that you can’t run Verify/Repair Permissions on your hard drive, at least via Disk Utility. You can however...